Pervasive.SQL V8 Pervasive System Analyzer - October 2003 README (READPSA.TXT) ======================================================= Contents This document contains the following topics: * Overview * Important Archive/Restore Information for advanced users * PSA Feedback * AVI file in Network Troubleshooting module * Disclaimer ------------- Overview ------------- Pervasive System Analyzer (PSA) The Pervasive System Analyzer (PSA) is a utility included with Pervasive.SQL 2000i (SP3) and higher. It is intended to perform system analysis during the product installation and can be used to troubleshoot problems anytime after installation. PSA can perform seven subtasks: 1) Analyzing/Archiving of Pervasive.SQL files and uninstall information 2) Restoration of previously archived Pervasive.SQL files and uninstall information 3) Deletion of Pervasive.SQL files, Pervasive registry settings, and Pervasive archives 4) Testing of Network communications and ability of network to handle heavy loads. 5) Testing of Transactional (Btrieve) engine functionality 6) Testing of Relational (ODBC/SQL) engine functionality 7) Viewing of Pervasive and other components along with version, load status, date, and size. Pervasive System Analyzer will run by default during the Pervasive.SQL V8 install. Prior to the installation's file copy, PSA will locate any previously installed Pervasive.SQL files along with uninstall information and suggest archiving them. This is to prevent any conflicts with the product version currently being installed. During a client install, PSA will also perform a network connectivity test between the client and server to ensure network functionality is correct to support the product. After the file installation, PSA will optionally verify that both the transactional and relational engines are installed and functioning properly. PSA can also be used to delete Pervasive.SQL products from your system. In order to allow a restore of previous versions without overwriting the current version, it is recommended that you install Pervasive.SQL V8 into a directory other than one where previous product versions that were archived were installed. Pervasive System Analyzer is installed with Pervasive.SQL V8 and can be run anytime thereafter. You should use PSA to help detect and troubleshoot version conflicts, network problems, or to verify engine functionality should problems occur at any time after installation. PSA is designed to work with Pervasive and Btrieve products with versions 6.x, 7.x, 2000, and V8. PSA will log all its events to a log file for which you specify the name and location. This log provides detailed information about the events that took place. It is recommended that you view this log after each PSA session to verify the information it contains matches your perception of the events that occurred during that session. For additional information on the tests that PSA runs, please see the following manuals in the product documentation: * User's Guide (click Help from PSA for this information) * What's New in Pervasive.SQL V8 (documents new features) * Getting Started with Pervasive.SQL (for help during installation) For users familiar with the legacy SmartScout or InstallScout utilities, the Network Test and Engine Functional Tests are the same as in those utilities. Those utilities have been replaced by PSA in Pervasive.SQL 2000i SP3 and higher. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Important Archive/Restore Information for Advanced Users ---------------------------------------------------------------- Where is my archive stored? To meet the goal of providing a user-friendly utility, PSA shields the user from having to make too many decisions. The information provided in this section describes the details of the archive and restore processes and is provided to assist advanced users or system administrators. PSA will allow the user to select any local drive for archiving. This is done to allow the selection of a local drive with enough free disk space. Selection of network paths and drives is not allowed, since it would be impossible to track this for restoration purposes across multiple systems. PSA will always archive files into a directory called 'pvswarch' located in the root of the archive drive selected. The sub-directories under the archive directory will be in the following format: :\pvswarch\\ \\ As an example, if a user selected to archive Pervasive.SQL Version 7 to local drive e:, and the product was currently installed into d:\pvsw\, the following will occur: * A directory called e:\pvswarch will be created (if not already present) * A sub-directory called v7\d\pvsw will be created and the archive will go into that folder You will end up with 'e:\pvswarch\v7\d\pvsw\' If files are found and that directory does not contain files with sufficient information to determine a product version, those files will be put into a product version directory called 'vunknown' in the archive tree. --------------- The Log File You can specify the PSA log file name and location when running PSA. The default file name for the log file is PSALog.txt. The default location for the log file is \Program Files\Common Files\Pervasive Software on the machine where PSAWizrd.exe is located. It is suggested that you use a systematic method of naming and keep all log files in a common location. This will prevent having to search for them later. It is also suggested that you view the log file after each PSA session and verify its contents match your perceptions of the events that occurred during that session. ---------------- Locked files In the event PSA cannot delete/overwrite files from their original location during archive/restore due to the files being locked by the operating system or other processes, they will be flagged for deletion/overwrite upon system reboot. -------------------------------- Directory considerations When restoring files, keep in mind that all Pervasive.SQL files with the same name in the restore directory will be overwritten if they exist. You may wish to archive any existing files prior to performing a restore. To avoid having to deal with this issue, it is suggested that you place all product installs into unique directories whenever possible. -------------------- PSA Feedback -------------------- Pervasive Software is very interested in your perceptions of PSA and any feedback or suggestions you may have regarding this utility. You can email with any feedback you may have. We hope this tool proves useful in making your experience with Pervasive Software products a positive one. Regards, The Utilities Development Team Pervasive Software Inc. -------------- AVI graphic used in PSA Network -------------- PSA uses an animated graphic showing communication between two computers in the Network Troubleshooting module of PSA. This graphic file, dd_transmit.avi, was obtained from the following website: This site has a disclaimer stating that it is permissible to distribute all AVI graphic files obtained on the site with other applications. Before shipping this product, Pervasive attempted to research any copyrights established on this AVI file or asserted by its author, Dan Desjardins, using the following resources: * US Copyright office * Google search engine * Yahoo search engine * MSN search engine No copyright establishment on on dd_transmit.avi could be found. -------------- Disclaimer -------------- PERVASIVE SOFTWARE INC. LICENSES THE SOFTWARE AND DOCUMENTATION PRODUCT TO YOU OR YOUR COMPANY SOLELY ON AN "AS IS" BASIS AND SOLELY IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE ACCOMPANYING LICENSE AGREEMENT. PERVASIVE SOFTWARE INC. MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, REGARDING THE SOFTWARE OR THE CONTENT OF THE DOCUMENTATION; PERVASIVE SOFTWARE INC. HEREBY EXPRESSLY STATES AND YOU OR YOUR COMPANY ACKNOWLEDGES THAT PERVASIVE SOFTWARE INC. DOES NOT MAKE ANY WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, FOR EXAMPLE, WITH RESPECT TO MERCHANTABILITY, TITLE, OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR ARISING FROM COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE, AMONG OTHERS. Copyright (c) 2003 Pervasive Software Inc. All Rights Reserved. =========================================== Pervasive Software, Inc. 12365 Riata Trace Pkwy, Bldg II Austin, TX 78727 USA Voice: (512) 231-6000 Fax: (512) 231-6597